

I'm now 50kg down and am now doing the hard work, keeping it off for life. Chris helped me build a system that is up and running for life.

I was first introduced to Chris through a mutual friend who he'd also trained. I didn't really know what Personal Training would look like, I envisaged, you'd meet someone in a gym 2-3 times per week, they'd tell you to pick up something heavy then put it down again, repeat for an hour, then go home, hopefully at some point along the way you'd magically lose all your weight and live happily ever after.

Whilst a small part of that is true, what I massively underestimated was the power and impact of the coaching, mentoring, and accountability. You might think, I'll just got to the gym by myself, or with a friend, or someone from work, well, what's worse than one sheep stuck in a cattle grid - TWO. You reach a point, and age (I'm 37) where you need professional input, if there was an issue with your car, you'd take it to be fixed by a mechanic, there was a problem with my body and it needed to be fixed, permanently.

On top of that, because I do a manual job, I was very aware of sustaining an injury which could prevent me from working. I wanted to be shown how to weight train, not just effectively but also safely.

When we had our initial call, I explained I'd already lost 30kg myself through a combination of calorie counting and walking 10,000 steps per day, however, when I reached my goal, I didn't really know where to go from there as there was no framework or structure in place. I hadn't changed who I was or what I was doing to lose weight and keep it off permanently I was just on a mission to reach a goal using a combination of will power and determination - as it turned out I'm pretty determined, but you can't rely on that forever.

I knew I needed help, I'd regained some of the weight I'd originally lost, old habits really do die hard. I just wasn't sure on what I needed help with.

So I took a punt and met Chris at the gym for my first session - after panic buying mis-matching XXL gym wear... yikes.

The first three months were focused on flexibility and mobility, areas I was not even aware I was in desperate need of help, however, this isn't the fun part of training, and I didn't feel like this was helping me lose weight, again, I was looking for this magic wand (it doesn't exist). Chris explained - you can't build a house by starting with the roof, so I just had to trust in the process.

Three months later and I'd made progress, in terms of not missing a session, however, I was still trying to see what I could get away with, I was still drinking booze with great enthusiasm 2-3 times a week, eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. So the number on the scale wasn't going down - it was actually creeping up!!!!

Chris could see I was stuck in a rut, we had a chat, well, more of an intervention, thankfully, after I'd had an internal tantrum, I responded positively, cut out booze (initially at least), downloaded MyFitnessPal, started eating clean, healthy, balanced, whole foods, hitting my protein targets and results came fast, much faster than I expected, I just needed to stay consistent. My weight would hover in the same area for up to 10-14 days then one drop 1kg.

3 months after the chat, I was 22kg down, fitter, healthier, stronger. I'm now 50kg down and am now doing the hard work, keeping it off for life.

Chris helped me build a system that is up and running for life, I strategically eat more on the days I go to the gym, these are also my days off so it feels like I'm treating myself, I don't drink booze 80% of the time so the 20% of the time I do, I can - guilt free.

So if you're serious about changing your life - and not just losing weight - then give these guys a shout.


P.S. Rob is also lovely.

Kieran Moore
See original reviewAugust 2022
I am very flag to meet with his coach. After pregnancy I thought I will not be able to lose your extra pounds and I turned for help to a personal trainer. If you have the desire to be slim and in sports shape, please contact Chris.
Arina Arina
Client Feedback

I used to hate working out, but now I’m able to maintain a solid structure of going 3 times a week and I know what I need to do when I’m there now.

Fantastic experience, I did the 12 week program with Chris training me 3 sessions per week. I was not overweight, just out of shape, but even so I dropped 10 kilos and put on some muscle, now I look so much better and feel better too.

I used to hate working out, but now I’m able to maintain a solid structure of going 3 times a week and I know what I need to do when I’m there now. Can’t recommend this enough if you have the money for it, it’s worth the investment!

Kieran Hill
See original reviewMay 2022
I have been a gym goer for many years, same gym, doing the same boring work out routine, with no results! until I started training with Chris. 9 months on, 10kg lighter, 3 dress sizes down and I have never felt better.
Maneh Sandhu

My strength and fitness has significantly improved and I have found a love for weights!

I’ve been training with Chris for 2 years now, first remotely during lockdown and then 1 to 1 sessions.

I find Chris to be very knowledgeable not only about training but the science behind it. He has assisted me with correcting long term neck and lower back pain by providing appropriate training and strengthening exercises and has given fantastic advice in relation to nutrition.

Chris keeps the sessions interesting and fun and it always challenging me to do more. My strength and fitness has significantly improved and I have found a love for weights! Highly recommend Chris as a PT.

I've worked with personal trainers before and Chris Murray is, hands down, the best. Chris genuinely cares about your results and is always patient, encouraging, extremely knowledgable and utterly down to earth.
Cynthia Miller
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Client Successes

Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 20-30
Before and after photo of a male client
Age: 30-40
Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 20-30
Before and after photo of a male client
Age: 30-40
Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 30-40
Before and after photo of a male client
Age: 30-40
Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 20-30
Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 20-30
Before and after photo of a female client
Age: 30-40
Results may vary from person to person
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You can see above that we have helped many clients achieve their goals. Get in touch with us by clicking the button below and start your body transformation where you could lose up to 28lbs in 90 days.